Siberian Moon hand raised kittens

Therapy Cats
Therapy cats are deeply attached to their people and aware of their feelings. It may feel like they adopted us!
We raise our kittens to be connected to and comfortable with people first by being best friends to their Moms. We live and sleep with them, play and cuddle with them every day.
Kittens are born in our bedroom closet and live their first month in warmth and safety, usually attended by a Doula - a helper Mom - as well as their biological Mom. We pick them up and put them down as often as possible when they’re little, to get them used to our scent and our voices, and to teach them to feel safe around us.
As kittens get bigger and stronger, they climb out of the playpen and graduate to a whole new world. A large bathroom provides the perfect Kindergarten with many levels for safe climbing and jumping, space to play, and clean tile floors for our first litter boxes. As soon as kittens start to eat solid food, Mamas won’t potty them and now they must potty train!
By the time kitten comes to you they are fully litter box trained to use both covered and uncovered boxes. We use World's Best Multi-Cat Unscented Clumping Corn Cat Litter.
Many of our cats have become therapy cats in professional settings where their hypoallergenic nature is an asset.